<aside> 💡 **在这里,我分享了我在各种主题上的想法、笔记、经历和见解。**我希望您觉得内容引人入胜且富有洞察力。祝您阅读愉快! Here, I share my thoughts, notes, experiences, and insights on a variety of topics. I hope you find the content engaging and insightful. Enjoy reading!
**👋 嗨,我是阳明——**热爱阅读与分享。我有生物学和编程的背景,喜欢探索从文学到生活方式,从科学到哲学等不同的主题。在这个博客中,我的目标是分享我的好奇心、所学和观点。阅读愉快! Hi, I'm Yangming - passionate about reading and sharing. I have a background in biology and computer science and enjoy exploring various topics ranging from literature to lifestyle, from science to philosophy. In this blog, my aim is to share my curiosity, learnings and perspectives. Happy reading!